Announcing the CYG Introductory Meetings

Welcome new members of the CTBTO Youth Group (CYG)!

As a new CYG member there is a lot to learn about this organization’s history and purpose. To get an introduction to the CYG, CTBT, CTBTO and how they all fit into the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, join us for one of our monthly Introductory Meetings!

This meeting is a great way to meet your fellow CYG members and learn more about what it means to become a member of this global network of students and young professionals around the world who are directing their careers to contribute to global peace and security and wish to actively engage in promoting the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and its verification regime.

The virtual presentation is hosted by CYG members who sit on the Coordination Team and are dedicated to helping you learn about the opportunities and resources afforded to you as a part of this network. The meeting will show you how to connect with the other members, take advantage of mentoring schemes, participate in CYG activities, enrol in educational programmes, and take part in projects that promote the objectives of the Group.

Topics covered during the meeting include the following:

  • About the CYG: Background, objectives and key statistics
  • CTBT and CTBTO overview
  • 2021 Coordination Team: Members, clusters or work and current initiatives
  • How to become an active member
  • Educational resources

If you have any questions, check out our FAQs, contact the CYG Coordination Team, or email the CYG Task Force at [email protected]  

To learn more about the CTBT and its verification regime, sign up for the CYG’s Introductory Curriculum self-paced course. This course will provide you with foundational knowledge about the Treaty, verification regime and CTBTO. You will also learn about the different ways you can become engaged through various CYG project opportunities and initiatives. Upon completion of the course, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as well as a digital badge to display on your CYG profile.