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CTBTO Youth Group Membership Guidelines

First and foremost: THANK YOU. We are very grateful for your interest in helping us raise awareness of the CTBT and of the importance of its entry into force.

As you can imagine, if 20 years have passed without the Treaty obtaining the necessary ratifications for its entry into force, promotion of the CTBT is not a task that can be taken lightly. There are a number of political issues and sensitivities of which any person wishing to achieve the Treaty’s entry into force will need to be mindful. These include the interests and concerns of States that have signed and ratified, States that have signed but have not ratified and States that have yet to sign and ratify.

After 20 years, not only is it in the interest of the CTBT to obtain the remaining ratifications required for entry into force, it is also in the interest of the CTBT to preserve and strengthen the support that it already has. With the passage of time, even those who enthusiastically supported the Treaty at the outset may begin to wonder…and wander to other causes.

As with everything viewed in hindsight, there may be a lot that would be done differently if the CTBT were to be drafted and negotiated today. However, the solution is not to pursue new paths that may dilute efforts and lead to years of negotiations without conclusion. Our goal is to make the most of what we do have.

We have a treaty that is almost universal which bans nuclear test explosions and has a robust verification regime. Even before entry into force, the Treaty serves as a deterrent against nuclear testing and an important first step towards nuclear disarmament. It brings us closer to the ultimate goal of general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, as stated in the preamble of the CTBT.

So, on to the guidelines:

  1. Read the Treaty. The CTBT is not anything more or less than what is written on its pages. The reasons for agreeing to the Treaty are stated in the Preamble. While some of the provisions in the operative text of the Treaty may have prevented some States from signing or ratifying, the “why” any State should agree to the Treaty is stated in the Preamble. It’s important to note that all States who negotiated the Treaty, including each of the eight remaining Annex 2 States, agreed on the Preamble.
  2. Live the Treaty. Be neutral and factual. The CTBT is a non-discriminatory treaty that was designed, among other things, as a confidence-building measure. Your messages should reflect the spirit of the CTBT.
  3. Use disclaimers. When communicating on CTBT matters make it clear that the views expressed are personal and not those of the CTBTO. Never let people assume that you are speaking on behalf of the CTBTO. It is important to ensure that the CTBTO is not brought into disrepute, even inadvertently.
  4. Be a force multiplier. Use social media to spread the message. Share, like and retweet information from the Organization’s official social media platforms and communicate responsibly to new audiences and communities.
  5. Be mindful of copyright laws and of the fair use of the work of others. Include links to original sources whenever possible.


Code of Conduct

Youth Group members are aware that they speak, write and act in their individual capacity and do not represent the CTBTO, the CYG as a whole or any sub-grouping thereof.

To contribute to creating an environment that is conducive to the entry into force of the CTBT, it is key for CYG members to speak, write and act with RESPECT, OPENNESS and NEUTRALITY and to BE INCLUSIVE by integrating other CYG members in their projects and activities.

Since activities done in your capacity as CTBTO Youth Group members are comparable to international civil service, access to the latest edition of the “Standards of Conduct for International Civil Service” is provided here.