CYG Coordination Team 2021
2020-2021 CYG Coordination Team
On behalf of the CYG Task Force, we'd like to welcome the new 2021 Coordination Team and to express our appreciation for your commitment and dedication to CYG and to advancing the cause of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
In total, there were 39 projects submitted by 16 coordinators. Considering the objectives of each proposal, the selected projects are grouped into seven clusters. The coordinators will be part of the clusters and they will work together as a team to design a joint proposal and coordinate their activities in their respective countries and regions.
- Cluster 1: Mentoring
- Cluster 2: Science Diplomacy
- Cluster 3: Youth and Outreach
- Cluster 4: Communicating Nuclear Issues
- Cluster 5: Building Partnerships
- Cluster 6: Regional Outreach
- Cluster 7: Introductory Activity by CYG and CYG Task Force
If you wish to contact any of the Coordinators, please don't hesitate to contact us through the portal or at [email protected].
Regional Coordinators
- Africa: Peter Ahabwe Babigumira
- Eastern Europe: Milana Ozerina
- Latin America and the Caribbean: Monica Andrea Henao Castano
- North America and Western Europe: Guillaume Milot
- South East Asia, the Pacific and the Far East: Yeseul Woo
- Middle East and South Asia: Necer Edine Zioani
Annex 2 Country Coordinators
- India: Ankit Kumra Mishra
- United States of America: Jarret Fisher
Functional Coordinators
- Communications: Cristopher Cruz
- Communications: Tom Hickey
- Outreach: Ahmed Amponsah Fordjour
- Outreach: Moumi Awudu
- Outreach: Anna Stepanova
- Education: Kseniia Pirnavskaia
- Education: Sweta Basak
- Education: Magdalene Wangui Wanyaga
Strategic CYG Priorities 2021
The Coordination Team will prepare projects and launch programs, in close cooperation with the CYG Task Force in Vienna, aligned with the 2020-2021 strategic priority areas of the CYG:
- Boost the intergenerational dialogue with all generations that have experience on nuclear testing, nuclear risks, great powers competition that the youth don’t have. How do we bring this knowledge to the table so we can learn from this generation and move forward.
- Creating links and bridges with other organizations and youth programmes . There is a lot of focus and energy around the climate change debate, environmental sustainability, SDGs, gender equality and youth in peace and security. Tap into this synergy.
- Fostering dialogue between young scientists and young policy makers. The COVID-19 pandemic further emphasizes that science is indispensable. We have to learn the language of science and also be able to sell science in a policy way. We need to ensure that scientific facts become acceptable in a policy debate.
- Promoting regional dialogue and ensuring greater involvement of underrepresented countries and regions.
Launched in 2016, the CTBTO Youth Group now includes over 1000 members globally. CYG members have developed many successful projects, events and activities, varying from science diplomacy schools, side events on the margins of major UN events, visual reporting and art competitions, and broader public outreach.
The main objectives of the Group include:
- revitalizing the discussion around the CTBT;
- raising awareness of the importance of the nuclear-test-ban on a global level;
- building a basis for knowledge transfer to the next generation;
- involving new technologies for promoting the CTBT; and,
- placing the CTBT on the agenda of the world’s most important nuclear-related events.
Reflecting on the collective achievements and challenges faced since the opening for signature of the CTBT, we are reminded that it is one of the most universally supported treaties. It is, however, yet to enter into force.
2021 will mark the 25th anniversary of the CTBT. The world we are living in today is fundamentally different, facing new challenges from the time when the Treaty opened for signature. This makes your voices, ideas and projects so indispensable.
You know best what is appealing today, what the arguments and motivating factors are that can help bring young people to the table to promote change in the strategic dialogue around the Treaty and reduce the risk of nuclear war and the resumption of nuclear testing.